Our Team Kastir Kakakhel Clinic Director, Physiotherapist Dr.Balkaran ahluwalia Chiropractor Luke Chen Registered Massage Therapist Daniel Lee Registered Massage Therapist Alifiya vasi PHYSIOTHERAPIST & TEAM LEAD Norman Pricipe Senior Physiotherapist Alfiya Sirohiwala Physiotherapist Wren meyn Senior Physiotherapist Bubblepreet Randhawa Neurotherapist Jason Ji Senior Physiotherapist Mohli Kang Senior Physiotherapist Michiko Kami Physiotherapist Muhammed Imran Arif Physiotherapist Satvir Dhanna Senior Physiotherapist Gayatri Shemadkar Physiotherapist Megan Sing Kinesiologist Grace (Xue Mei) Gao Acupuncturist/TCM Herbalist/Nutritionist Aman Sandhu Registered Massage Therapist Ramona Sangha Registered Massage Therapist Vivian Chia Registered Massage Therapist Tuba Zahid Hussain Interim Physiotherapist Jigar Somani Physiotherapist Thunder Goldstein Registered Massage Therapist Dunya H Registered Massage Therapist Sandeep Bajaj physiotherapist Nafeez Syed Senior Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapist Ajinkya Mankar Physiotherapist Punnar Chaudhry Physiotherapist Ruben Bagdasarian kinesiologist Nasreen Kara physiotherapist Dr. Tanbir Soor CHIROPRCATOR Ankur's Physiotherapist Jasmine Parmar Kinesiologist Our Team Dr. Balkaran AhluwaliaChiropractor Luke ChenRegistered Massage Therapist Daniel LeeRegistered Massage Therapist Alifiya Vasi PHYSIOTHERAPIST & TEAM LEAD Norman PricipeSenior Physiotherapist Alifiya SirohiwalaPhysiotherapist Wren MeynSenior Physiotherapist Bubblepreet RandhawaNeurotherapist Jason JiSenior Physiotherapist Mohli KangSenior Physiotherapist Michiko KamiPhysiotherapist Muhammed Imran Arif Physiotherapist Satvir DhunnaSenior Physiotherapist Gayatri ShemadkarPhysiotherapist Megan SingKinesiologist Grace (Xue Mei) GaoAcupuncturist/TCM Herbalist/Nutritionist Aman SandhuRegistered Massage Therapist Ramona SanghaRegistered Massage Therapist Vivian ChiaRegistered Massage Therapist Tuba Zahid Hussain Interim Physiotherapist Jigar SomaniPhysiotherapist Thunder GoldsteinRegistered Massage Therapist Dunya HRegistered Massage Therapist Sandeep BajajPhysiotherapist Nafeez SyedSenior Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapist Ajinkya Mankarphysiotherapist Punnar Chaudharyphysiotherapist Ruben Bagdasariankinesiologist Nasreen KaraPhysiotherapist Dr. Tanbir SoorCHIROPRCATOR Ankur’sPhysiotherapy Jasmine ParmarKinesiologist