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Regain Your Strength With Partial Weight Bearing Treadmill Therapy

Have you heard of C-Mill Virtual Reality Treadmill Therapy? If not, it could greatly benefit you.

The C-Mill helps patients to improve their walking and balance impairments. It trains for everyday life’s environments and changing circumstances, like walking in a crowded area or avoiding obstacles.

By utilizing virtual reality applications, projections, and force plates, the usual limitations of conventional therapy setups can be overcome, enabling the therapist to simulate a broad variety of realistic situations.

Simulation variables can be changed easily.

Therefore, balance, steady gait, dual tasking, and gait adaptability can be improved fast and effectively. With this type of therapy, the patient is supported or suspended on a system that allows them to “walk” on the treadmill with virtual reality applications. This allows for neuromuscular re-education and motor planning interventions.

If you think partial weight-bearing treadmill therapy could benefit you or a loved one, don’t hesitate tocontact Beyond Physiotherapy today to consult with one of our Newton, Surrey, Fleetwood, and Langley physiotherapists

Why Should I Consider C-Mill Treadmill Therapy?

C-Mill Treadmill Therapy allows you to more comfortably complete your gentle exercise treatments without the harsh foot-to-treadmill impact you get with normal gravity. Your body weight is reduced while the treadmill is in use, providing some much-needed relief that most other treatments simply are not able to do.

By releasing some of the gravitational pressure of your body, partial weight-bearing treadmill therapy is able to help you comfortably restore and regain some or all of your moving mechanics, depending on your condition. It also promotes the healing of damaged tissue and the strengthening of affected muscles.

All of this adds up to a much safer, quicker, and more comfortable recovery than you may experience without it. In fact, as stated by a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, partial weight-bearing treadmill therapy “is more effective than conventional PT at restoring symmetrical independent walking.”

Additionally, a large aspect of this treatment focuses on safely securing patients, so they are able to use the weight-bearing treadmill freely, without excess pressure on their legs or the fear of falling off of it. Essentially, it provides a controlled environment for patients to heal.

This allows them to return to doing the activities they love faster than they may have anticipated. By getting back into physical activity and/or regaining lost strength, patients are able to avoid unwanted risks, such as swelling and inflammation, weakened muscles, or even atrophy.

Therapy on the C-Mill is based on the proven principles of motor learning: external focus of attention, variable practice, implicit learning, high training intensity, task specificity, and performance feedback. 

Objective In-Depth Assessment

C-Mill provides extensive data collection allows valid, objective, and highly reliable assessment of balance, gait, and gait adaptability. These reports help patients and therapits to compare before and after rehab recovery progress.

C-Mill Reports:

  1. Postural Stability Reports
  2. Walking Analysis Report
  3. Walking Adaptability Report

All assessment data is clearly visualized and issued as dependable reports.Please find more information about C-Mill HERE

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